It's been a while, Buying Sim Card and Transport at Tao-yuan Airport (Taipei)

It's been a while since I have posted here. Sorry! 
2015-2016 is two of my busiest year ever. I've been focusing on finishing my study and I do travel a little. So, here I am back with tons of food picture i've been snapping continuously (every-day).

I will start with my number one most favorite country that stole my heart! 
You guess?
TAIWAN ! The most humblest country i've ever been...
I've been visiting Taiwan since I was a little kid. Perhaps, this time about my fifth or sixth times visiting Taiwan. But this time is a little bit different for me, I've got a chance to experience living at Taipei for about 6 months for internship purpose (as part of my course, of course). I am super excited about staying at Taiwan for quite long time, while I am quite stress enough to prepare my mental at the beginning for my werkkkkkking life a.k.a Internship (ps: I can't speak Chinese!)

Taiwan is the most lovable country for its heavenly food, buzzing cities, immersing natural attractions like beaches and parks, and Taiwanese people is the friendliest. It is truly a highly rewarding experience.

Around last August 2016, I am going to Taiwan with one big luggage of unnecessary daily stuff of mine and one cabin luggage for 6-months periods of surviving. I took an economy flight from Jakarta and transit at Singapore - Taipei with two of my University friends that soon became my room-mates! While we transit at Singapore at dinner time, I grab some kaya bread and boiled egg for my dinner, since I don't want my stomach being too shaken up on flight. After few hours of surviving my cramps feet, stiff neck and back pain, with all of my heart, I am heading off to.... Toilet. lol nah, I know this is not important, but I am quite surprised how Taiwan changed so much within few years! I remember about the yuckie smelly toilets last time. But I am so impressed about the big upgrade of the toilet, it is damn clean and neat. gosh, When will my country evolving like Taiwan?

Arrived in Taipei safely, and we are connecting our beloved phone to the wifi. During my stay at Taiwan, I enjoyed the fastest internet speeds. That wasn't limited to the wifi, Mobile data 4G or 3G are also very fast. Getting a local sim card during your stay shouldn't be difficult neither expensive. With some information by some bloggers and fellow friends I decided to grab Chunghwa. With NTD $500, I got my pre-paid simcard for 6-months-period including 100minutes phone calls, SMS, 2-months internet for around few GB. After 2 months, I changed my pre-paid simcard from 4G to 3G and change my data plan to unlimited internet data plan. I bought the top-up cards for NTD $450/ monthly. 

For readers that need one day until one month data plan you can find more information from *Guide to Taipei Blog's or 

Travelling from Tao-Yuan airport:
By Bus
I once tried to catch a bus with my mom and I can say it's not bad. Bus is surely the best and economical choices to get to/from Taipei - Tao Yuan airport. There are many airport buses that take you to TMS (Taipei Main Station). with drop off points along the route at MRT stations. NT$150-NT$350/person depends on the bus company. more details:

By Taxi
Since I had a lot of luggage I decide to catch a taxi. A taxi from the airport to the city center will be around NT$1200. A trip from airport Tao-yuan airport to Minquan district cost me NT$1120. Good value since I am sharing a taxi with my 2 of my friends. Taxi is cheap in Taipei and no booking fees is required. 

Thank you for reading, I will post my food adventure and my daily life for the past 6 months in Taipei.
Feel free to drop me a message if you are travelling to Taipei and curious about something!



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